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Deep Tech Innovators – Online Advanced Course

Deep Tech Innovators

Online Advanced Course

Deep Tech Innovators is back and brings with it an exciting journey of discovery and learning. Learn from experts in Deep Tech, visionary entrepreneurs, and innovative companies, and work together to create innovative solutions for the agrifood sector.

When: 12 April to 14 June 2024, every Friday 

How: International, multidisciplinary 60 hours online course; intersects Deep Techs and entrepreneurship and innovation skills; includes a use case competition based on real problems from the agri-food industry.

For: Students, academic and non-academic staff, and professionals from the agri-food sector.

ECTS: 10.

Fee: 50€ for the full course.

Plus: Be eligible for a 5,000€ award .

Register now and save your spot!

Course Overview

This unique course offers of a mix of lectures, use cases presentations, tutorial sessions and teamwork with plenty of time for discussion and questions. The concept is to provide a specialized training in Deep Tech areas (Biotechnology, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Robotics and CleanTech), together with Tech Transfer Methodologies to support Deep Tech innovation and Life Cycle Analysis, to enable students to design sustainable innovations. In parallel, national and international agrifood companies will propose real life challenges to be solved by the students, who will work in groups to develop solutions and business ideas, being supported by dedicated tutoring sessions. The objective is to prepare the students with deep tech-based tools and entrepreneurship skills for developing innovative solutions in the agrifood sector. The working groups presenting the best solutions will be mentored and compete for an award. The best deep tech business solution will receive a prize of 5000 euros, to be divided among the team members.

Deep Tech for Innovators is provided by the DIP4agri Consortium, including Universidade Católica Portuguesa (PT), Aarhus University (DK), Wageningen University (NL), Food4Sustainability (PT), BGI (PT), Castillo de Canena (SP), Planicie Verde (PT) and FME (NL).

Course details

The 60-hour online program will be offered in English, every Friday, between the 12 April and the 14 June. Teaching time will vary from 8 hours in the first session to 6 or 7 in the following.

After an introduction to all 4 Deep Tech areas (8 hours), students can select one Deep Tech area (Biotechnology, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Robotics or CleanTech) (10 hours). This will allow students reaching a higher level of understanding and enable them to develop innovative solutions on their preferred Deep Tech area.

To develop sustainable business ideas, all students will be trained on Tech Transfer Methodologies and Life Cycle Analysis.

A major component of the course is a case competition, where students will be exposed to several real- life problems presented by national and international companies. Students will be asked to work in teams and choose one use case and develop an innovative solution and a business idea. At the end of the course, the teams will make a pitch presentation to a jury.

The best teams will be eligible for additional mentoring and 5,000 euros award for the best pitch.