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Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP)

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UCP has been contributing in the past 50 years to the resolution of societal challenges by producing life-changing science, educated citizens and forward-looking entrepreneurs, while helping to develop an internationally minded transformational education and research model. Within UCP, DIP4Agri project is coordinated by CBQF (Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina), the Biotechnology and Fine Chemistry Center, and is supported by CPBS, the Catholic Porto Business School and by CLSBE, the Catholic Lisbon Business and Economics School. 

CBQF develops and disseminates knowledge and innovation in pivotal areas – Food and Nutrition, Environment and Health. CBQF has been merited with the Associate Laboratory status since 2004, being evaluated by an international panel as Excellent. CPBS is renowned for the development of professionals for a sustainable and global society, and for advancing knowledge in Management and Economics, being part of a select group of three schools in Portugal that boast EQUIS and AMBA accreditations. CLSBE in at the European top 30 of business schools and is a Portuguese reference school in management research and teaching. CLSBE combines world-class international students with strong and diverse academic programs, having a close relationship with the business world.


Manuela Pintado


Associate Professor and Director at ESB-UCP, Director of CBQF and Dip4Agri Project Coordinator

João Cortez


Research and Innovation Funding Advisor at CBQF

Ana Paulo


Researcher at CBQF and DIP4Agri Project Manager

Eduardo Cardoso


Researcher, Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the task force on Knowledge Transfer and of the Services to Companies at ESB-UCP

Susana Silva


Associated Professor at CPBS

Božidar Vlačić


Research and Innovation Funding Advisor at CBQF

René Bohnsack


Associate Professor at CLSBE

Arash Rezazadeh


Postdoctoral Researcher at CLSBE